Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Today I broke ground on my garden! I've decided it's officially Spring in NE Ohio, and I don't care what anyone else says!

Last year hubby and dad took out some bushes from the side of the house. I really noticed the "empty" space last week during our first few nice sunny days, while I was evaluating the yard, and thought it would be good for a garden.

Background: We've lived here, "in the country," for a couple years now, and every year I talk about doing my garden, but never quite have the time to put it all together. Of course, it doesn't help that I'm a bit of a perfectionist and when I can't quite make the time to do it the "right" way then it doesn't get done at all!

Since I had some time outside today, I decided to mark out the space I want to use. That just wasn't enough to satisfy me, so I started breaking up the dirt, taking out the weeds & grass, and breaking up the roots from the bushes. I had fun seeing all the worms (and I found out that my daughter doesn't like worms!) and pulling out the big rocks. (and I still have some dirt under my fingernails-yah!)

While I worked, I realized that whatever I can do is whatever gets done. The greatest thing about Mother Nature is her forgiving nature... that even if it isn't perfect, I will get something to grow, and that will make me happy, because it's more than I had before. So instead of making the plan perfect, sometimes you just gotta jump right in and do what you can do, and learn from that. Every "mistake" is just a way you can do it better next time!

I really needed the exercise and sunshine and "in my head" time. I'm sure I'll be sore in the morning but it was totally worth it!

Happy Spring!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

It's Spring Break, but I find myself busier than ever! And that's not even taking into consideration the people I thought I'd have time to meet up with since I don't have class.... (sorry, guys!)

It is nice to have some time to catch up on homework, without it piling up. I have a good number of projects going this semester--one being my business plan, which is an ongoing project, but it's nice to have deadlines. A couple  Marketing projects: one of which I'm finally done with my part, until it's time for proofing; and the other which will be a combined work/school project. And there was the seeming-never-ending Photoshop tutorial, which really made me realize I'm not a Photoshop person. I don't have the patience for that much tedium. I used to think I was as detail-oriented as the next person, but not if the next person is a Photoshop wiz! I'm really glad that is done.

Add to that my work is picking up, and my boss called me this morning to tell me that he'd like me to find some more hours to be at work. Good, because it means more $$, plus I was getting worried yesterday when I was going to get all the work done I'd put on my To-do list.

But now the hubby and kid is home!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

getting started

even after composing entries in my head for weeks now, waiting for the right moment to do the set-up....i still sit on front of a blank screen. feeling a bit like an idiot.

so just begin, right?

watching Before Sunrise, which always makes me feel extremely jealous of Julie Delpy (she is gorgeous!). of course, now it's making me feel a bit old, as well, looking at how young she & Ethan look in it...such is the life of a 38-year-old, I suppose. it makes me yearn for adventure, for Europe... to be french, i'll admit.

don't get me wrong, i love my life. but i can't be the only one who thinks about other paths: the ones not taken, the ones still to take. someday i will make a list of all the people i could have been. might be interesting, might be sad.

can you be nostalgic for something you never had?

p.s. wish i could take credit for my screen name: instead, thanks to Over the Rhine (an incredible band, an incredible song title!)