Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Today I broke ground on my garden! I've decided it's officially Spring in NE Ohio, and I don't care what anyone else says!

Last year hubby and dad took out some bushes from the side of the house. I really noticed the "empty" space last week during our first few nice sunny days, while I was evaluating the yard, and thought it would be good for a garden.

Background: We've lived here, "in the country," for a couple years now, and every year I talk about doing my garden, but never quite have the time to put it all together. Of course, it doesn't help that I'm a bit of a perfectionist and when I can't quite make the time to do it the "right" way then it doesn't get done at all!

Since I had some time outside today, I decided to mark out the space I want to use. That just wasn't enough to satisfy me, so I started breaking up the dirt, taking out the weeds & grass, and breaking up the roots from the bushes. I had fun seeing all the worms (and I found out that my daughter doesn't like worms!) and pulling out the big rocks. (and I still have some dirt under my fingernails-yah!)

While I worked, I realized that whatever I can do is whatever gets done. The greatest thing about Mother Nature is her forgiving nature... that even if it isn't perfect, I will get something to grow, and that will make me happy, because it's more than I had before. So instead of making the plan perfect, sometimes you just gotta jump right in and do what you can do, and learn from that. Every "mistake" is just a way you can do it better next time!

I really needed the exercise and sunshine and "in my head" time. I'm sure I'll be sore in the morning but it was totally worth it!

Happy Spring!

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