Sunday, March 14, 2010

getting started

even after composing entries in my head for weeks now, waiting for the right moment to do the set-up....i still sit on front of a blank screen. feeling a bit like an idiot.

so just begin, right?

watching Before Sunrise, which always makes me feel extremely jealous of Julie Delpy (she is gorgeous!). of course, now it's making me feel a bit old, as well, looking at how young she & Ethan look in it...such is the life of a 38-year-old, I suppose. it makes me yearn for adventure, for Europe... to be french, i'll admit.

don't get me wrong, i love my life. but i can't be the only one who thinks about other paths: the ones not taken, the ones still to take. someday i will make a list of all the people i could have been. might be interesting, might be sad.

can you be nostalgic for something you never had?

p.s. wish i could take credit for my screen name: instead, thanks to Over the Rhine (an incredible band, an incredible song title!)

1 comment:

  1. LOVE Before Sunrise (and also After Sunset....) -- we own both. :)
